The dynamic environment in which banks operate today demands continuous investment in all segments of business processes, starting from human resources, via advanced technological solutions, to management and its principles of governance.
This particularly refers to the segments of human resources and management which, without the continuous acquisition of new knowledge and skills, would not be in the position to respond to the challenges in the environment and to achieve positive business results. In addition to the formal education, what characterises business and life today is the process of life-long learning.
This is why the Association of Serbian Banks integrated the concept of Continuing Professional Development into its regular activities, as a form of support to the bank employees in charge of training and development, and human resources in general. To this end, the ASB Education and Human Resources Committee has been established, as a body defining the policy in respect of professional specialisations of employees in the banking sector of Serbia; developing new methods and learning processes; and encouraging and sharing good experiences among its members when it comes to training and human resources. The ASB Education and Human Resources Committee also actively contributes to the activities of the ASB Bank Training Centre, an organisational unit of the Association of Serbian Banks in charge of organisation and implementation of various forms of education for bank employees.