Foreign Operations

The most important activities of the Foreign Operations Committee are: providing expert assistance to banks in interpreting and implementing laws, by-laws and international standards relevant to the field of foreign operations and documentary business; finding expert solutions in specific cases; participation in drafting legislation and standards in this field; organising expert discussions on drafts and proposals of relevant laws, by-laws and other regulations and standards, remarks and suggestions for the improvement of certain provisions of drafts and bills, by-laws and other regulations, launching initiatives for amending or adopting new regulations governing this filed. A key priority in the Committee's work is to contribute to the creation of a more practical legal framework for more efficient and secure foreign operations in banks. The cooperation with the National Bank of Serbia, the Ministry of Finance, the Customs Administrationand other bodies of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, state bodies and organszations, SWIFT, ICC is only one of the Committee's significant activities. The organisation of professional meetings, conferences, workshops and meetings of representatives of commercial banks is another of its activities.

The ASB Foreign Operations Committee comprises the representatives of the following banks:

  1. Banca Intesa a.d. Belgrade
  2. OTP Banka a.d. Novi Sad
  3. AIK group
  4. Raiffeisen bank a.d. Belgrade
  5. Unicredit bank Srbija a.d. Belgrade
  6. NLB Komercijalna bank a.d. Belgrade
  7. Postal Savings Bank a.d. Belgrade
  8. Erste bank a.d. Novi Sad
  9. Addiko Bank a.d. Belgrade
  10. Adriatic bank a.d. Belgrade
  11. Halkbank a.d. Belgrade


National Bank of Serbia:
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia:
Customs Administration:
Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering:

UPSN Search Engines - UN Security Council

The Anti-Money Laundering Administration, in cooperation with the Mihajlo Pupin Institute - Computer Systems, has developed a search engine that lists the persons subject to United Nations sanctions, i.e. "marked persons". The search engine allows all interested persons to quickly and easily check whether they are in contact, i.e. have business cooperation with the mentioned category of persons, in order to timely implement the actions and measures prescribed by the Law on Restriction of Disposal of Property in order to prevent terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction ("Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 41/2018). This search engine allows you to directly search the UN Security Council list of flagged persons in relation to Resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) regarding ISIL, Al-Qaeda and related individuals, groups of persons, businesses and other entities, Resolution 1718 (2006) and successor resolutions on the DPRK, as well as Resolution 1988 (2011) on the Taliban and related individuals, groups of persons, businesses and other entities. You can find the search engine at:

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