Taxation System Operations

Taxation System Operations

Taxes are an extremely significant aspect in banks’ operations, particularly in the environment of a complex taxation system such as the taxation system of Serbia, characterized by frequent amendments to tax-related regulations, numerous by-laws, and the need for additional interpretations.

To this end, as of 1 September 2013 a new group of operations was formed within the Association of Serbian Banks, focusing on the provision of professional assistance to banks in the process of implementing tax regulations in banking; launching initiatives for the adoption of laws and by-laws, as well as participating in their implementation.

The stated activities are mostly performed via the ASB Taxation Issues Committee, and in cooperation with other committees within the Association of Serbian Banks, depending on the issue under consideration.

The activities of the ASB Taxation Issues Committee include:

  • Provision of professional assistance to banks in the process of fiscal regulations implementation; consideration and clarification of open issues through active cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and Tax Administration;
  • Launching initiatives for more precise interpretations, or amendments to certain legal solutions;
  • Organisation and participation in expert discussions concerning draft laws and other regulations;
  • Organisation of conferences.

The ASB Taxation System Committee comprises the representatives of the following banks:

  1. Banca Intesa a.d. Belgrade
  2. OTP Bank a.d. Novi Sad
  3. AIK group
  4. Raiffeisen bank a.d. Belgrade
  5. Unicredit bank Serbia a.d. Belgrade
  6. NLB Komercijalna bank a.d. Belgrade
  7. Postal Savings Bank a.d. Belgrade
  8. Erste bank a.d. Novi Sad
  9. Adiratic Bank a.d. Belgrade
  10. Halkbank a.d. Belgrade
  11. Srpska banka a.d. Belgrade
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